Remote Browser Isolation balances security and user productivity by allowing access to unknown websites in a safe, isolated environment. With an instant-on RBI, administrators can greatly reduce tickets requesting access to blocked sites, and users enjoy uninterrupted productivity with a secure, streamlined experience.
Cato RBI can be quickly enabled in just a few clicks for all locations and users, without any additional hardware or software to deploy. Access to websites that are uncategorized will automatically be isolated in a remote session, streaming graphical representation of the web content to the user’s browser.
Web browsing poses a significant risk since code is executed locally on the user’s device, potentially allowing the delivery of malware, credential theft, or other malicious activity. RBI isolates website code from the endpoint by rendering the site in a containerized environment that is destroyed completely at the end of the session. This process happens seamlessly and transparently to the user and prevents malicious code from reaching the device, allowing administrators an alternative to outright blocking uncategorized sites.
Admins need to understand internet access patterns and risk to track and monitor which sites are loaded with RBI, and which users use it most frequently. Cato enables admins to easily filter the unified event log, and track RBI events based on destination, user identity, volume, and other metrics. RBI policies can then be fine-tuned to match the enterprise specific needs. Using a dedicated tool in the Cato Management Applications, admins can manually load any site with RBI for further investigation and troubleshooting.
Los clientes usan Cato para eliminar las complejas arquitecturas clásicas, compuestas de varias soluciones puntuales y de costosos servicios de redes.
La plataforma SASE de Cato es única y ofrece de forma autónoma y constante un acceso a aplicaciones optimizado y seguro en todas partes y para todo el mundo.
Cato Networks ha sido nombrada líder en Magic Quadrant™ de Gartner® 2024 para SASE de un solo proveedor
«Cato Networks es el punto de referencia para ZTE y SASE»
Cato Networks ha recibido el reconocimiento de ser líder en crecimiento e innovación de SASE
El SASE de Cato ha sido identificado como líder en el informe Radar de GigaOm
Cato Networks ha sido reconocida como líder de producto SSE global
La transformación WAN con SD-WAN: Establecer unos cimientos sólidos para el éxito de SASE
«Ejecutamos un simulador de filtraciones y ataques. Los índices de infección y los movimientos laterales cayeron en picado a la vez que los índices de detección subieron. Esos fueron factores clave por los que confiamos en la seguridad de Cato».
La solución que los equipos de TI han estado esperando.
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