Elaborazione a singolo passaggio convergente, servizio cloud globale appositamente creato e piattaforma open data.
Visibilità e controllo a 360 gradi, gestione autonoma del ciclo di vita e del livello di sicurezza, implementazione graduale a basso rischio e gestione universale,
AI/ML per l’intelligence sulle minacce e l’identificazione delle applicazioni non classificate, motori ML per la prevenzione delle minacce e la criticità degli incidenti, modelli ML per la classificazione dei dispositivi e GenAI per la produttività.
Elaborazione a singolo passaggio convergente, servizio cloud globale appositamente creato e piattaforma open data.
Visibilità e controllo a 360 gradi, gestione autonoma del ciclo di vita e del livello di sicurezza, implementazione graduale a basso rischio e gestione universale,
AI/ML per l’intelligence sulle minacce e l’identificazione delle applicazioni non classificate, motori ML per la prevenzione delle minacce e la criticità degli incidenti, modelli ML per la classificazione dei dispositivi e GenAI per la produttività.
Network-based Next-Generation Anti-Malware (NGAM) protects organizations from malware in real-time as files are transmitted across the Internet or corporate WAN. Malware is identified with advanced heuristics and highly-trained machine-learning algorithms.
Cato’s NGAM detects zero-day and polymorphic malware in real-time. In partnership with SentinelOne, a machine learning algorithm maps connections between thousands of data points to return a verdict of benign, suspicious, or malicious. Real-time zero-day malware protection eliminates the dependency on legacy sandboxing solutions that overburden IT teams and hurt the user experience.
Policies are simple to manage, and administrators can define allow, and block actions based on context such as Internet or WAN destinations, source (user, IP address, Host), application, and more. Scanning exceptions can be specific or apply to the entire account. With Cato’s NGAM organizations can adopt a stricter security approach while maintaining the agility to meet business needs with policy changes taking effect globally in just minutes.
More than 90% of web traffic is encrypted and enterprises must inspect it for threats. Cato’s SASE Cloud performs TLS inspection at scale, eliminating the need to size and scale legacy security appliances. Inspection policies can be granularly applied, allowing organizations to inspect as much traffic as desired. Enabling TLS inspection has no impact on performance and allows Cato’s NGAM complete visibility to detect and block malware across all traffic.
Cato’s NGAM supports multiple file types and can scan multiple levels within nested archive files. Archive files are held until the engine confirms that the entire contents of the files are free from malware. Encrypted and password-protected files cannot be scanned but can be blocked by policy rules. These features help secure organizations by addressing one of the techniques used by threat actors to bypass security engines.
Cato’s NGAM scans every file at wire speed, continuously evaluating the files against a signature and heuristics database that is continuously updated and optimized by Cato. Customers can replace the anti-malware engine of traditional firewalls and UTMs, ensuring that all files are evaluated against a comprehensive and up-to-date malware prevention database without the constraints of fixed appliance resources.
Concepite da zero come caratteristiche di una vera e propria piattaforma SASE nativa del cloud, tutte le funzionalità di sicurezza di Cato sfruttano (e continueranno a sfruttare) la distribuzione globale, l’enorme scalabilità, la resilienza avanzata, la gestione autonoma del ciclo di vita e il modello di gestione coerente della piattaforma Cato.
Cato estende tutte le funzionalità di sicurezza a livello globale per assicurare un utilizzo coerente delle policy ovunque e per chiunque, dai data center più strutturati al dispositivo di un singolo utente.
Cato prevede le giuste misure per ispezionare i flussi di traffico multi-giga con la crittografia TLS completa e tutte le funzionalità di sicurezza. Non solo: è in grado di eseguire il ripristino automatico in caso di guasti dei componenti del servizio per garantire una protezione continua della sicurezza.
Cato assicura che la piattaforma cloud SASE mantenga un livello di sicurezza efficiente, una disponibilità del servizio del 99,999% e i processi di sicurezza a bassa latenza per tutti gli utenti e i nodi senza coinvolgere in alcun modo il cliente.
Cato offre un pannello di controllo univoco che consente di gestire in modo coerente tutte le funzionalità di sicurezza e rete, tra cui configurazione, analisi, risoluzione dei problemi, rilevamento e risposta agli incidenti. Il modello di gestione unificato facilita l’interazione con nuove funzionalità da parte del reparto IT e dell’azienda.
I clienti ricorrono a Cato per eliminare complesse architetture legacy composte da svariate point solution di sicurezza e costosi servizi di rete. L’esclusiva piattaforma SASE di Cato offre a chiunque, in qualsiasi luogo e in modo coerente e autonomo un accesso sicuro e ottimizzato alle applicazioni.
With Cato we have a good, solid sedan with the speed of a Porsche that got us exactly where we needed to go fast.”
Rodney Masney
Chief Information Officer
With Cato, we got the functionality of SD-WAN, a global backbone, and security service for our sites and mobile users, integrated together and at a fraction of the cost”
Willem-Jan Herckenrath
Manager ICT
Since we moved to Cato, our bandwidth increased by approximately 30 times the speed we had before. Now, the customer’s Wi-Fi experience is much better. We’ve stopped receiving complaints since deploying Cato”
Steve Waibel
Director of IT
With Cato we have a very flexible supplier that understands our requirements and is there when we need help.”
Jan Jørgensen
IT Project Leader
The big difference between Cato and other solutions is the integration of network management and security”
Yoshiaki Kushiyama
Senior Manager, Information Systems
With Cato, we could move people out from our offices to their home offices fast without a single interruption”
Daniel Sollberger
Lead, Global Based IT Infrastructure
Cato allowed us the flexibility to incorporate our WAN, Internet and remote access solutions into one neat package that could be managed with a small team of people.”
Joel Jacobson
Global WAN Manager
Cato’s management interface was so easy to use compared to those of the traditional SD-WAN players we looked at.”
Thomas Chejfec
Group CIO
I see Cato SASE as a tool for digital transformation promotion. We can use it to reorganize our entire security portfolio, reduce costs, and bring out the best in our students, professors, and administrators. Being able to work productively and securely anywhere gives a great boost to all our digital transformation initiatives.”
Hitoshi Kusunoki
Information Planning Department
Cato’s biggest benefit from my point of view is that our network operators no longer need any specialized knowledge.”
Takashi Nakajima
Head of the Digital Transformation (DX) Promotion Division and Chief of Business Operations
When we chose it over a year ago nobody was talking about SASE. Now, everybody is moving towards SASE and you can see it discussed in all the IT media.”
James Bonnaventure
Now with Cato we just fire a support ticket and Cato is on it. Within 30 minutes to an hour it’s resolved. And we can monitor every single step with Cato’s QOS metrics. We have goggles and eyes we never had before.”
Kevin Juma
Technology Operations Manager
With the Cato SASE Cloud from Cato Networks, we were able to connect locations and employees securely, easily and quickly. We now have the IT solution in-house and can adapt the infrastructure to our needs at any time with the desired flexibility.”
Ralf Luchsinger
Chief IT, Service and Provider Management
Thanks to Cato, I can stand by my promises and feel comfortable we can deliver on the company’s business needs quickly, efficiently, and securely.”
Jesper Hjørland
Service Manager for Network and Connectivity
I would recommend the Cato SASE solution to any healthcare organization that needs simple yet very secure connectivity among regional and local sites, remote users, and the cloud.”
Alvin Lim
Group Technology and Information Security Director
I know that my company is secure, that all my sites and users can connect with the same solution, and that every time I need something from Cato, they’ll listen carefully and come through. Thanks to Cato I can sleep at night.”
Shira Baum
We have improved the performance of every application on the network by rolling out Cato, We don’t hear about network slowness; we don’t hear complaints.”
Nick Hidalgo
VP, Information Technology
There are not many times as a CIO that you can check the box in all these areas – faster, more secure, happy users, and a happy team – all for less cost and more business value. That’s the Cato SASE Cloud Platform.”
Dustin Collins
Global CIO
The Cato team was interested in helping us succeed. After meeting their customer success manager and voicing our feedback on the product, Cato went out and changed the product. That’s what I call partnership.״
John Lim Ji Xiong
Chief Digital Officer
Cato ha ricevuto il riconoscimento di leader nel Magic Quadrant™ di Gartner® come singolo fornitore SASE.
Cato Networks vince il premio Frost & Sullivan Enabling Technology Leadership del 2024
“Abbiamo eseguito una simulazione di violazione e attacco su Cato: i tassi di infezione e di movimento laterale sono diminuiti, mentre i tassi di rilevamento sono aumentati. Questi sono fattori chiave per affidarsi alla sicurezza di Cato”.
La soluzione che i team IT stavano aspettando.
Preparati alla sorpresa!
Con Cato, qualsiasi organizzazione può trarre vantaggio dalla trasformazione digitale, muoversi alla velocità del business ed essere pronta a confrontarsi con il futuro.