Cato seamlessly extends customers’ internal threat detection capabilities to continuously monitor the network for compromised, malware-infected endpoints. Because network traffic is flowing through Cato, Cato can deliver a zero-footprint detection of persistent threats without installing agents or appliances to gain traffic visibility. Cato Managed XDR uses a combination of machine learning algorithms that mine network traffic for indicators of compromise, and human verification of detected anomalies. Cato experts then guide customers on remediating compromised endpoints.
お客様のネットワークの完全なハンズフリー管理を、Catoまたはそのパートナーのいずれかにご依頼いただくこともできます。専門スタッフが、ビジネスや技術要件の変更に伴う、ネットワークやセキュリティポリシーの変更をすべて行います。また、お客様、パートナーおよびCatoによる、共同管理モデルも ご利用いただけます。いずれの場合も、基盤となるCato Cloudプラットフォームの管理はCatoが担当いたします。お客様がCatoソフトウェアのアップグレード、パッチ適用やその他のメンテナンスを行う必要はありません。
The Cato Socket is a zero-touch, SD-WAN device that is easily and quickly deployed in customer premises. Customers can deploy Cato Sockets themselves, or use Cato or its partners for remote assistance or on-site support. To complete the installation, the site is fully configured with relevant networking, QoS, security, and failover policies.