當檔案透過網際網路或企業 WAN 傳輸時,基於網路的下一代反惡意軟體 (NGAM) 能夠即時保護組織以避免遭受惡意軟體的侵害。惡意軟體是透過先進的啟發式方法和經高度訓練的機器學習演算法來加以識別。
Cato 的 NGAM 可即時偵測到零日及多型惡意軟體。與 SentinelOne 合作,機器學習演算法映射數千個資料點之間的連接以送返良性、可疑或惡意的判斷。即時零日惡意軟體防護消除了對傳統沙盒解決方案的依賴,這些傳統方案會讓 IT 團隊負擔過重並且損害使用者體驗。
政策易於管理,而且管理員可根據上下文,像是網際網路或 WAN 目的地、來源 (使用者、IP 位址、主機)、應用程式等等,定義允許和封鎖操作。掃描例外可以是特定的,亦可適用於整個帳戶。藉由 Cato 的 NGAM,組織可以採行更嚴格的安全方法,而同時維持敏捷性以滿足業務需求,政策變更僅需幾分鐘即可在全球範圍內生效。
超過 90% 的網路流量皆經加密,並且企業必須檢查是否有威脅。Cato 的 SASE 雲端可大規模執行 TLS 檢查,無需調整和擴展傳統安全設備。可以精細地應用檢查政策,讓組織能夠依據需要檢查盡可能多的流量。啟用 TLS 檢查不會影響效能,並且可供 Cato 的 NGAM 完全可見性來偵測及阻擋所有流量中的惡意軟體。
Cato 的 NGAM 支援多種檔案類型,並且可以掃描巢狀存檔檔案中的多個層級。存檔檔案將被持留,直到引擎確認檔案的全部內容不含惡意軟體。加密和受密碼保護的檔案無法掃描,不過可以藉由政策規則阻擋。這些功能藉由化解威脅行為者用來繞過安全引擎的技術之一來幫助保護組織。
Cato 的 NGAM 以接線速度來掃描每個檔案,根據 Cato 持續更新和最佳化的簽章及啟發式資料庫不斷地評估檔案。客戶可以取代傳統防火牆及 UTM 的反惡意軟體引擎,確保依照全面且最新近的惡意軟體防護資料庫來評估所有檔案,而不受固定設備資源的侷限。
Cato 平台以真正雲端原生的 SASE 平台為基礎設計,無論是現有還是未來的安全功能,都充分利用其全球分佈、大規模擴展能力、卓越的韌性、自主生命週期管理以及一致的管理模式。
Cato 將所有安全功能延伸至全球,從大型數據中心到單一用戶裝置,全面實現一致的政策執行。
Cato 可擴展至檢查多 Gbps 的流量,包括完整的 TLS 解密及所有安全功能,並具備自動復原能力,能在系統元件故障時確保安全保護不中斷。
Cato 確保 SASE cloud 平台始終保持最優化的安全狀態、99.999% 的服務可用性,以及低延遲的安全處理,全面覆蓋所有用戶和據點,且無需客戶額外操作。
Cato提供的統一管理平台,讓貴機構可以穩定而可靠地管理所有安全及網絡功能,包括配置、分析、故障排除以及事件檢測與回應。統一管理模式讓 IT 團隊和企業能更輕鬆地採用新功能。
客戶透過 Cato,取代繁瑣的多重安全點解決方案和高成本網路服務,簡化傳統解決方案架構。Cato 獨特的 SASE 平台能自動化地一致提供全球所有用戶安全且高效的應用程式存取服務。
With Cato we have a good, solid sedan with the speed of a Porsche that got us exactly where we needed to go fast.”
Rodney Masney
Chief Information Officer
Since we moved to Cato, our bandwidth increased by approximately 30 times the speed we had before. Now, the customer’s Wi-Fi experience is much better. We’ve stopped receiving complaints since deploying Cato”
Steve Waibel
Director of IT
With Cato, we got the functionality of SD-WAN, a global backbone, and security service for our sites and mobile users, integrated together and at a fraction of the cost”
Willem-Jan Herckenrath
Manager ICT
With Cato we have a very flexible supplier that understands our requirements and is there when we need help.”
Jan Jørgensen
IT Project Leader
The big difference between Cato and other solutions is the integration of network management and security”
Yoshiaki Kushiyama
Senior Manager, Information Systems
With Cato, we could move people out from our offices to their home offices fast without a single interruption”
Daniel Sollberger
Lead, Global Based IT Infrastructure
Cato allowed us the flexibility to incorporate our WAN, Internet and remote access solutions into one neat package that could be managed with a small team of people.”
Joel Jacobson
Global WAN Manager
Cato’s management interface was so easy to use compared to those of the traditional SD-WAN players we looked at.”
Thomas Chejfec
Group CIO
I see Cato SASE as a tool for digital transformation promotion. We can use it to reorganize our entire security portfolio, reduce costs, and bring out the best in our students, professors, and administrators. Being able to work productively and securely anywhere gives a great boost to all our digital transformation initiatives.”
Hitoshi Kusunoki
Information Planning Department
Cato’s biggest benefit from my point of view is that our network operators no longer need any specialized knowledge.”
Takashi Nakajima
Head of the Digital Transformation (DX) Promotion Division and Chief of Business Operations
When we chose it over a year ago nobody was talking about SASE. Now, everybody is moving towards SASE and you can see it discussed in all the IT media.”
James Bonnaventure
Now with Cato we just fire a support ticket and Cato is on it. Within 30 minutes to an hour it’s resolved. And we can monitor every single step with Cato’s QOS metrics. We have goggles and eyes we never had before.”
Kevin Juma
Technology Operations Manager
With the Cato SASE Cloud from Cato Networks, we were able to connect locations and employees securely, easily and quickly. We now have the IT solution in-house and can adapt the infrastructure to our needs at any time with the desired flexibility.”
Ralf Luchsinger
Chief IT, Service and Provider Management
Thanks to Cato, I can stand by my promises and feel comfortable we can deliver on the company’s business needs quickly, efficiently, and securely.”
Jesper Hjørland
Service Manager for Network and Connectivity
I would recommend the Cato SASE solution to any healthcare organization that needs simple yet very secure connectivity among regional and local sites, remote users, and the cloud.”
Alvin Lim
Group Technology and Information Security Director
I know that my company is secure, that all my sites and users can connect with the same solution, and that every time I need something from Cato, they’ll listen carefully and come through. Thanks to Cato I can sleep at night.”
Shira Baum
We have improved the performance of every application on the network by rolling out Cato, We don’t hear about network slowness; we don’t hear complaints.”
Nick Hidalgo
VP, Information Technology
There are not many times as a CIO that you can check the box in all these areas – faster, more secure, happy users, and a happy team – all for less cost and more business value. That’s the Cato SASE Cloud Platform.”
Dustin Collins
Global CIO
The Cato team was interested in helping us succeed. After meeting their customer success manager and voicing our feedback on the product, Cato went out and changed the product. That’s what I call partnership.״
John Lim Ji Xiong
Chief Digital Officer
「我們在 Cato 上進行了攻防模擬測試,結果顯示感染率和橫向移動明顯降低,而偵測率則大幅提升。這些因素是信任 Cato 安全性的關鍵所在。」
IT 團隊一直期待的解決方案。