立即報名參加 SASE 專家一級課程──通往 SASE 認證的唯一途徑。唯一能讓您取得 SASE 認證的課程。立即報名,展現您的 SASE 專業實力
誰適合申請 SASE 認證?適合現代數位企業中的創新型 IT 專業人士、網路管理員及安全架構師,無論企業的規模、行業或所在地。
主題 | SASE 基礎概論 |
語言 | 英文 |
所需時間 | 2-3 小時 |
安全存取服務邊緣(SASE)結合網路功能與安全單點解決方案,提供統一的全球雲端服務。SASE 採用全新架構,被 Gartner 視為網路安全的未來趨勢。SASE 協助 IT 部門重新擔任業務推動者的角色,提供雲端原生、靈活的網路,專為動態的數位商業環境打造。
To achieve Cato’s certification, you need to apply to the Cato SASE course and pass the certification exam with a minimum score of 85%. We assume you have some knowledge of cloud, networking and security. You don’t need any previous knowledge of SASE to obtain the certification.
Becoming SASE Certified may not be as easy as ABC, but it’s definitely worthwhile. With the realization that the current network architecture is simply inadequate to support the needs of the modern business, Gartner introduced SASE in 2019, predicting that “by 2024, at least 40% of enterprises will have explicit strategies to adopt SASE, up from less than 1% at year-end 2018.” And although SASE is relatively new, COVID-19 has further expedited its adoption due to the compelling need for business continuity strategies that address the explosion of remote access. In fact, according to Gartner, since June 2020 “SASE has been adopted by more than 40% of global remote workers.”
In light of Gartner’s market estimations, a SASE certification is nice-to-have; but mostly it’s becoming a must-have, for demonstrating networking and security skills that are relevant and aligned with the industry’s direction.